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- by "One Who Knows"
- PART 18:
- Kennedy's successor, Lyndon Johnson, made sure that *he* followed the
- script more carefully. In the wake of the Cuban crisis, the Russians needed
- a new forward base in the Caribbean area for strategic purposes until the
- heat was off in Cuba. To accommodate Russia, Guyana was selected for this
- purpose, and David Rockefeller saw to it that a Marxist named Forbes
- Burnham became Prime Minister. In return, the Chase Manhattan Bank became
- fiscal agent for Guyana, giving Rockefeller access to the gold produced in
- Guyana; and as a key factor in all this, then-President Lyndon Johnson in
- 1965 turned over the American Air Base, Atkinson Field, to Guyana.
- America's right to retain control over the base for several more decades
- was simply thrown away without any excuses offered. Atkinson Field, which
- was then renamed Temehri Airfield, is south of Georgetown, the capital
- city. This is the airfield to which American helicopters carried bodies to
- be airlifted to America after the Jonestown disaster.
- When Johnson gave the Temehri Airfield to Marxist Guyana, he handed Russia
- a very large plum indeed. The Temehri Airfield is the largest in all of
- Latin America, larger even than New York's largest airport, the John F.
- Kennedy Airport; and its location makes it ideal for ferrying Cuban troops
- and supplies to Africa.
- As a result, Johnson's action on behalf of the Rockefellers robbed the
- United States of an important logistic connection to Africa while opening
- the door for Cuban troops. Our later troubles with Cuban troops in Angola
- and elsewhere in Africa were partly the result.
- For a number of years, Russian military activity in Guyana was heavily
- concentrated around the vicinity of the Temehri Airfield. In 1974, the
- Russians placed missiles in sites that ringed the airfield. Then the
- missiles were pulled out from those locations and moved to a separate
- missile complex west of Georgetown, over the following two years.
- In that new complex, the missiles were deployed at sites scattered over an
- area some 30 miles in diameter. In the approximate center was a Command and
- Control installation commanded by Russian personnel. And the plot began to
- thicken.
- After the missile base relocation was completed, the missile complex was
- centered at a point about 70 miles northwest of Temehri Airfield. It was no
- accident that the Peoples' Temple kibbutz was located so close to the
- missile base.
- At the time the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) was established in WW
- II, Nelson Rockefeller already had a strong presence in Latin America with
- his own agency called the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs. I am
- reminded of a story told to me by a friend who, as a young German in South
- America, was arrested for being German and sent to a concentration camp in
- Texas for the duration of World War II. Later he often returned to South
- America. He told me of the time he lived near the border of Colombia and
- Venezuela and admired the huge beautiful field of flowers owned by
- Rockefeller. Did you know that Rockefeller loved flowers and was in the
- flower business? What kind of flowers, you ask?
- The origins of the Peoples' Temple in the 1950s had nothing to do with
- government intrigues. It was not until about 1970 that certain elements of
- the United States intelligence community began to infiltrate and subvert
- the Peoples' Temple. The Rockefeller brothers have always had a standard
- practice of supporting not only the faction in power but also spies and
- opponents to that faction - and who doesn't want a little "free" funding
- and support money? In this manner they are always in a position, at least
- theoretically, to cut down anyone who tries to break free of their control.
- In the case of Guyana, the Rockefellers wanted to have such a tool in
- Guyana as a check on Forbes Burnham, the Prime Minister, whom they had put
- in power with the use of their money. Certain elements within the United
- States intelligence community under general coordination by the CIA were
- given the task of finding ways of accomplishing this.
- In the course of evaluating various options, it was concluded that the
- Peoples' Temple would prove ideal. The psychological profile of the leader,
- Jim Jones, indicated that he could be converted into a powerful tool of the
- Unseen Rulers. Contrary to reports in the controlled major media, Jim Jones
- was born a Jew, and he already exhibited tendencies toward kibbutz-style
- organization that could be channeled into useful directions. This would be
- brought about through a combination of both conscious and unconscious
- factors.
- At the conscious level, money and powerful political support would be
- channeled in his direction; at the unconscious level, the technique of
- psychological programming would be employed.
- Gradually, Jim Jones would lose control of his own personality and become
- what our Unseen Rulers wanted him to be. The process would inevitably
- create tremendous internal conflicts and turn Jim Jones into a troubled and
- dangerous man.
- By 1973, changes in Jones' behavior began to be noticed by his friends and
- followers. His conversion into a semi-conscious agent of death and intrigue
- was underway in earnest by that time. That same year the mushrooming funds
- of the Peoples' Temple were used to launch the agricultural kibbutz at
- Jonestown, Guyana, though only a few people went there at that time.
- Guyana was a rigid Marxist police state, and no one could have launched a
- new enterprise like the Commune without its approval by Forbes Burnham; but
- David Rockefeller agents made sure that Burnham received all the assurances
- he needed that the Jones compound would fit neatly into the Marxist
- environment of Guyana.
- At the same time, Forbes Burnham had begun double-crossing David
- Rockefeller, exactly as had been feared. He was now playing ball
- politically but he was hiding much of Guyana's gold production in caves in
- the mountains. David Rockefeller found this out sometime later, but by then
- the much bigger problem was developing from a double-cross by Russia so
- Burnham was left untouched in order to make way for bigger things.
- By summer 1974, the Rockefeller brothers were still soundly in bed with the
- Kremlin, and there were already ominous signs that something was happening
- in Russia which they did not understand; but they simply could not imagine
- that their old Kremlin allies, the Bolsheviks, were being overthrown.
- Public warnings about Guyana missiles were denied or ignored. The planned
- and programmed Nuclear War was being blueprinted for the late 1970s and
- they did not want the plan to be spoiled by public awareness; but two years
- later Russia's all-out military double-cross of America began with the
- Underwater Missile Crisis of 1976, another story for another time.
- The Guyana missile base was one of the major targets of the revised
- planning. When this planning began more than two years prior, the Space
- Battle of the Harvest Moon still lay in the future. It seemed quite
- inconceivable that America could lose its secret beam-weapons base which
- was soon to be operational on the Moon; and so long as they had this Moon
- Base to depend on, our Unseen Rulers thought they could not lose. But in
- light of the Underwater Missile double cross, they wanted to be able to
- pull as many of Russia's military teeth as possible. In this way, their
- destruction of Russia would be even more complete than originally planned.
- The planners of Operation Guyana were given a difficult problem to solve.
- The objective was to wipe out the Russian missile base in Guyana by
- removing the threat it posed to the Panama Canal and southern American
- cities; but this was to be a pre-war operation carried out covertly and
- with complete surprise. It had to be covertly, because neither the United
- States nor Russia could afford to have it known that the base ever existed;
- and the surprise had to be complete, because with even the briefest warning
- the base could be reinforced and defended by Cuban troops.
- From these requirements it was concluded that a commando-style raid would
- be necessary, something like the Israeli raid at Entebbe Airport in Uganda
- in July 1976. Any other kind of attack would have required our leaders to
- do what President Kennedy did in 1962, that is, tell the American people
- what was afoot and ask for our support. At all costs, the one thing our
- Unseen Rulers were determined not to do was to tell us anything. The
- problem then arose - how to get the joint attacking forces into Guyana in a
- force large enough and fast enough to do the job without betraying their
- hand.
- Wiping out a base like that one in Guyana, after all, was no small task. It
- was then concluded that somehow some very sudden, massive, compelling
- excuse would have to be provided in order to enable the secret joint
- military to enter Guyana temporarily. The excuse, whatever it was, would
- have to be so visible as to tie Russia's hands so that Russia could not
- retaliate in Guyana without giving away what she had been up to there; and
- the excuse would have to appear non-military yet require military
- expertise.
- Furthermore, some provision would have to be made for ALL casualties in the
- missile-base attack to be removed from Guyana after the raid, otherwise
- their presence in Guyana could have been made the basis of an international
- incident trumped up around some different story unrelated to the secret
- missile base.
- For example, the government of Guyana, following Russian dictates, might
- have publicly displayed the bodies of the joint military forces killed in
- the attack and said they were killed in an attempted coup d'etat against
- Forbes Burnham. It was a very big order, but the Jonestown kibbutz proved
- to be the answer. All that was necessary was to arrange for many hundreds
- of American citizens to die *suddenly* in Guyana and under conditions
- guaranteeing instant massive publicity.
- The sheer enormity of the tragedy would require military involvement, and
- the location of Jonestown was made to order. Helicopters commuting between
- the Temehri Airfield and Jonestown would naturally fly over the missile
- complex - whose details were known in spite of expert camouflage. This
- meant that joint special armed forces could be set down near the perimeters
- of the missile base and later recovered, along with casualties, with
- relative ease.
- And as the reporters at the Temehri Airfield watched helicopters leaving to
- the northwest and return from the same direction, they were led to assume
- that all were going to and from Jonestown some 150 miles away. They had no
- way of knowing that many of the flights were to and from the Russian
- missile base, which lay in the same direction but only half as far distant.
- When it was decided to use mass deaths at Jonestown as a cover for the
- missile-base attack, Jonestown was functioning only as an outpost of the
- Peoples' Temple. There were not enough people there to provide a
- sufficiently major incident to serve the intended purpose, and so, through
- both direct and indirect means, Jim Jones was persuaded to go to the Guyana
- kibbutz himself, taking as many of his flock as would follow him.
- That turned out to be about 25% to 30%, and by following him they
- automatically identified themselves as the group most highly dependent upon
- Jones personally. They were also most susceptible to the combined
- influences of exhaustion, intimidation, and isolation from outside help -
- in other words, just right for thorough brainwashing.
- Ever since the days of the Korean War it had been known conclusively that
- brainwashing techniques can cause many people to do all kinds of things.
- Even hardened American GIs in Korea fell victim to brainwashing in
- surprising numbers because they did not understand what they were up
- against. The Jonestown victims were anything but hardened soldiers.
- In August 1977, Jim Jones left for Guyana with his large sacrificial flock.
- That same month, United Nations Ambassador Andrew Young carried a message
- to Prime Minister Forbes Burnham of Guyana. He said that under certain
- conditions the United States and the World Bank would increase its aid to
- Guyana - that is, line Burnham's pocket by a factor of ten times more than
- previous levels. And so the key disaster of Jonestown was set into motion
- shortly before the Battle of the Harvest Moon.
- To trigger the whole tragedy and in a blare of publicity, the interest of
- late Congressman Leo J. Ryan was developed and programmed.
- In a display of courage that is practically unknown today in the U.S.
- Congress, Ryan went to Guyana knowing that it might be dangerous. But what
- he did not know, of course, was that he had been lured into making a trip
- whose tragic outcome was planned well in advance.
- Congressman Ryan and those who died with him at Port Kaituma Airport were
- casualties in the secret war that was leading up to Nuclear War One. And so
- were the hundreds of other American civilians who died in the so-called
- "mass suicide" at Jonestown, Guyana.
- As the time approached for Congressman Ryan to make his anticipated trip to
- Guyana, other activities were set in motion on the diplomatic and military
- state. It was essential that Russia's attention be diverted away from
- Guyana until too late to take action to protect the missile base.
- Russia's prize in the Western Hemisphere, of course, is Cuba; and so in the
- final days before the Battle of Guyana on Thanksgiving Day 1978, the
- trumped up MIG-23 crisis was used to divert Russian attention to Cuba. Only
- too late did the Kremlin discover that the real target was not Cuba but
- Guyana.